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Obtaining Balance, is it Even Possible?

Obtaining Balance, is it Even Possible?

As a naïve young lady, I always pictured myself being a woman that does it all! Wife, mother, executive! I never imagined that it would be such a challenge.

Ever since I started having children I have sought to obtain balance. I have strived to live out the belief “that whatever your mind can believe, you can achieve”, and “you CAN have it ALL” and “I can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens me”. I love being organized, I get it from my mama. Back in the day I was an avid purchaser of the Franklin Covey Planners, I had a Palm Pilot (remember those?) All with the hope of being the perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, employee. I thought that if I wrote everything down, I could keep it all straight. Although using these calendars do have much merit, they can’t help you with everything. What I did love about the Covey system was its ability to customize to my planner, and the encouragement and strategies found therein. When they came up with the system that you could combine with your Palm Pilot, I was so excited. That was until my Palm Pilot crashed, two times!

One thing that organization systems cannot do though is help you to remember to use them! I found that many times things were written in my scheduler, but if I forgot to open it up, if I forgot to read it, it didn’t mean anything. At different points in my life, I was so busy being a mommy, that using an organization system seemed too cumbersome. Nothing really mattered too much to me at the time anyway except for my babies, it got to the point that if it had nothing to with my babies, church and work then it was almost certain that I would forget about it.

I recognize that “having it all” does not come without consequence. Along the way something must give, be it rest, maybe your nice clean house (definitely your nice clean house), sometimes eating right, just to name a few. But what else will “having it all” cost you? Will it cost you time spent with your family? Will it cost you’re your marriage? Will it cost you your health? And in the end, I wonder is it worth it?

At this point in my life the idea of a perfect balanced life is obsolete. Instead I try to take one day at a time, one subject at a time (well that is not true I multi task ALL the time). I thank God every day for my smart phones, and for the ability that it has to send me several notifications about things I would otherwise forget. My current struggle is to stay focused on the task at hand, since I am usually attempting to tackle at least three at a time. I am easily distracted, I dislike that about myself, however, I realize that is how I am.

What about you? Are you overwhelmed? Have you found a solution or solutions that help you live a semi-balanced life? I would love to hear about them. Write to me at

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